

This dog food treat drill, taken from the Dog Training Planner, will make you use your dog treat pouch more effectively, and will make you and your dog happier. It is a deceptively simple drill, but I have a hunch you’re going to love it. You’re about to discover the most powerful dog training tool in the entire Universe!

The 3 Steps

If you scroll down a bit, you’ll see that I’ve written out all the steps from the video for you. I know. I know. I really am that nice (lol).

Videos are great if you’re a visual learner! Most people learn dog training drills best by first watching a video tutorial, and then having the written steps available during the training session, so they don’t get confused (Hey, if you want to completely avoid confusion, you might like to get your paws on my Dog Training Planner).

To make this blog post a more visual experience for you, I’ve snuck in some dog art that I created, in Quentin Blake’s style (if you’re curious, you can take a look at all my dog art here).

Step 1: Treat Pouch

When you get a new dog, all the food for the day goes into his “treat pouch” in the morning. If you haven’t got a treat pouch, get one at your local pet outlet, or on Amazon before reading any more of my blog post. Really. I mean it. Stop reading. Take action. Get yourself a treat pouch now.  I promise that it will be one of the best investments you ever make in your entire life.

Step 2: Find Opportunities

Dog Obedience Stay Command

Use the food in the treat pouch throughout the day for all their training sessions, and anytime they do something you like (e.g. calmly sitting by your side).

Find as many opportunities throughout the day to let him know “I really like what you’re doing, and I’m going to reward you with a treat for doing so“.

Step 3: End Of The Day

Dog Bowl

At the end of the day, any of the food that is left then goes into his food bowl, and they can eat it like a traditional meal. Sometimes there won’t be any left, but once the dog has settled and become an excellent canine companion, you don’t have to do it every day.

If you have any food left (at the end of the day), fill the bowl up, put them into a “sit and stay”, put the food on the floor, and do not allow them to start eating until they are sitting calmly looking up to you for guidance.

When they do that you can say, “Break”, move away from their food, and let them start eating.

Final Thoughts

Food for a dog is the highest value resource in their lives, which is why guarding the gateway to the food is the quickest way to train your dog. The main point of this drill is to “never leave your dog’s food down in his bowl”. Use the food as an opportunity, every single day, to build a loving relationship with your dog.

Dog Paw Hand Heart

I also give my dog healthy snacks throughout the day as well (e.g. carrots, apple cores with the toxic pips taken out, bananas, and oranges). When I eat fruit, I always give a portion to my dog, after he has responded to a command (e.g. Lie DownSitCover Your EyesDog Training With A Clicker, and the Close The Door Trick).

Before you go, read on to discover the secret sauce to dog training success...

Loving Leadership

Have a philosophy of loving leadership when training your dog.

Loving Leadership Dog Training Planner

As a loving leader, you should be constantly working on the communication pathways with your dog. At the bare minimum, your dog should also have some basic commands such as the lie-down command, sit command, and stay command.

When your dog knows a few basic dog obedience commands he or she will feel loved because they know what you want and have no anxiety or fear about what they should be doing and when.

Once your dog has a few commands under his or her belt (I mean, collar), practice behaviour dog training, command dog training and tricks dog training regularly to ensure your dog is physically and mentally healthy. As you are probably acutely aware, untrained dogs have a way of taking over the control of a home if not taught otherwise (which can be a nightmare). A trained dog, however, will bring years of doggie love to your household.

Pssst. Don't tell anyone, but you can become a loving leader by getting your paws on my Dog Training Planner. You can get my Dog Training Planner for a limited time at a 70% discount.

Dog Training Planner

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